Well Child Visit
Well Child Visit: What is It? and Why is it Important?
Regular checkup/visit to your child’s doctor is an important way to keep track of your child’s health and physical, emotional, and social development. These visits are important for all children, not just children that are ill or have special health care needs. These visits allow you and your child to discuss with your pediatrician any milestones, successes, as well as concerns you may have. Furthermore, well-child visits allow you to learn the best ways to help your child grow.
How to prepare for the well-child visit1:
Here are some quick tips on how to get the most out of your visit:
- Make notes about what you’ve noticed about your child’s health and development. Include any changes in behavior or family routines.
- Write a list of questions. You will have time to ask them during your visit. The Well-Visit Planner (https://www.wellvisitplanner.org ) is an online tool that can help you identify questions and concerns to raise with your health care professional.
- Gather information that might be helpful for your health care professional. Share information from school/child care to help your health care professional learn more about your child
A special note for teenagers1
Encourage your teen to ask questions about his/her own health. The well-child visit has a special meaning for teenagers. It is a chance for teens to build responsibility for their own health and wellness. Typically, teens can expect to have one-on-one time with their health care professional. Teens need to prepare for visits so that they can engage in conversations with their health care team and then follow up on tasks to promote their overall well-being.
We are here for you
Depending on your child’s age, you may have well-child visits every few weeks, months, or yearly (please call to ask when your next visit is due). Your well-child visit isn’t the only time you can talk with your health care team. If questions arise before or after your visit, feel free to call the office. Keeping your health care team up to date helps us provide you and your child with the best care.
1Source: https://brightfutures.aap.org